Quiet by Susan Cain
As an architect and natural contrarian I was attracted to this book by what it had to say about our accepted notions of a good work environment – specifically the ‘open office’ dogma that has controlled the thinking of most corporate clients and their architects. Things are changing now, thanks in part to the influence of this book. Susan Cain brings into question the dominance of the ‘open office’ ideal and how it isn’t appropriate for about a third of the workforce. Its about a third of people who don’t totally thrive in a open office environment. I’m one of them. Although I do like the social interaction and excitement of an open office, I really enjoy a more private-ish kind of workspace where I can think and daydream a little without a lot of interruptions. Like many others, when I have this kind of private or semi-private workspace I’m able to be more creative and thus a lot more eager to occasionally get back with the group and share my ideas.